The Mohave
County Clerk is Virlynn Tinnell. The Clerk of Court provides the
following Services to the residents of Mohave County: Adoption, Appeals, Child
/ Spousal Support, Copies of Documents, Divorce, Exhibits & Classified materials,
Guardianship, Juvenile Matters, Marriage Licenses, Name Change, Notary Bonds,
Orders of Assignments, Parent Education, Passports, Paternity, Probate, and Restitution
If a party decides to file their own divorce, a package is
available at the Clerk's Office. The Clerk’s Office is only responsible
to file the documents necessary to start the divorce. They include: The Petition
for Dissolution of Marriage; Domestics Relations Cover Sheet; Preliminary Injunction;
and the Notice of Right to Convert Health Insurance. The Petitioner should also
have a Summons and Preliminary Injunction (original plus two copies) for the
clerk to issue.
Copies of marriage license may be obtain upon request to the
Clerk of Superior Court. The Desiree must include the names of the parties and
the approximate date of the marriage. The Office of the Clerk of Superior Court
can provide applications or they can be downloaded from the Department of State
web site at:http://travel.state.gov.
The Clerk's Office only records the filings, receives payments,
sends checks to recipients, and maintains filings for the Restitution Payments.
These records are also available to the public and the Clerk is there to assist
in viewing and copying public records.
Contact information:
Mohave County Clerk of Court
401 E. Spring Street
P.O. Box 7000
Kingman, AZ 86402
Phone: (928) 753-0713
E-mail: clerkofcourt@mohavecourts.com
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